Censorship, raids, political and religious persecution. Are we back in the 1800s?
It’s been mere days and already, we as a nation are seeing the fall out of the re-election of Donald Trump. It is going to be a long, bumpy, uncomfortable road for the next 4 years. Many of us have resentment, as this re-election wasn’t just about personal feeling of which candidate would do the better job, but was and is seen as a symbol of the deep hatred that still exists in a country that is supposed to be a melting pot.

Trusted news sources have decided to kiss the ring, bringing censorship to a level that has never been seen before in this country. Search engines are filtering out unfavorable news articles and taking them down. Social Media platforms are allowing misinformation and propaganda to be posted and passed unchecked. Truth tellers are being blocked from platforms in order for their voices to be silenced. The age of speaking truth to power is gone.
This isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last. History is full of dictators. The history books (before they were banned), lay out the previous play books of dictators and some of us remember. History always repeats itself. All we have to do is look at Adolf Hitler, and the play book is laid out in front of us. We know what is coming, how it is coming, and what it will lead to.
The 9278 promises to be a place that will gather the truth and report it to the best of our ability. We will use the greatest resource, The People, to gather all the information we can and report it here. We will once again, swallow our hurt, anger, and the huge need to scream “I told you so” from the top of our lungs, and do what needs to be done, because at the end of the day, the pendulum will eventually swing right back around to us. Resist the lies, Divided we will fall.